Online Conference: The only event exclusively for Coaches, Consultants, Healers & Course Creators

Arika Clark
Arika has owned two businesses over the last 20 years and her mission is to help people gain clarity, leverage purpose, and take action. Arika does this through coaching and also through helping entrepreneurs create epic experiences for their clients.
Workshop Sessions
TOPIC 1: Course Creation 101
DESCRIPTION: Online courses and eLearning in general are growing at an exponential speed right now.
It’s a scary, new frontier but it is how customers are expecting to take in information from businesses now.
Have you thought about creating your own course and thought it was too much work for not enough reward?
Arika Clark Alejo from ThriveEpic will show you how easy it is to share what you know with an audience and do it in an engaging and profitable way.
You’ll leave ready to hit the ground running with the early frameworks for your own course and learn the basics behind why online courses are your next move.
TOPIC 2: Using Virtual Summits To Grow Your Business
DESCRIPTION: Summits are a gathering of people by their very nature so you may think that they’re off the table right now.
Virtual summits though are completely doable and a great way to expand your business.
Arika Clark Alejo from ThriveEpic will discuss why virtual summits are growing right now and what they can do for your business.
She’ll also explore the ways to make your virtual summit stand out, keep your audience engaged over the computer, and how to leverage a virtual summit into more business.
TOPIC 3: Boosting Your Business Through Epic Experiences
DESCRIPTION: You remember experiences more than anything else in life and as a business you have the ability to create experiences for your clients that will expand their world and also bring in more business for you in the long run.
Arika Clark Alejo from ThriveEpic will discuss all the ways you can create an epic experience for your clients using workshops, webinars, summits, conferences, masterminds, and online courses.
Learn about how to host your own unique experience no matter your size, niche, or client needs.