Online Conference: The only event exclusively for Coaches, Consultants, Healers & Course Creators

Jacqui Ashley
Human Behaviour Expert
Jacqui Ashley specialises is a human behaviour expert specialising in transformational coaching. She has dedicated more than ten years researching and practising as a human behaviour expert and is a certified master career/life coach, master neuro-linguistic practitioner, certified master time line therapist and certified hypnotherapist.
After many years of experience in sales, hospitality and running her own recruitment company, Jacqui is focused on helping clients to achieve results and to empower them to be the best version of themselves. Coupled with her experience and understanding of both western and eastern philosophy Jacqui offers a unique service to her clients locally and internationally.
Jacqui is now helping clients to understand the correlation between mindset and behaviour and how to shift from resistance to alignment in all areas of their life or business so they can consistently create their life with confidence.
Workshop Sessions
TOPIC 1: Why some of us are able to achieve what we want and some do not.
DESCRIPTION: Join Jacqui as she digs deep into your grey matter. Learn the 3 parts of your brain that you need to be aligned with, in order to achieve you goals.
TOPIC 2: How our Values Influence our Goals
DESCRIPTION: Join Jacqui as she helps you to uncover those values that we tend to hide or try not to talk about. Jacqui will give you the tools to help you become more self aware of these so you can let go and live a more joyful life.
TOPIC 3: NLP model of communication to unlock your internal dialogue
DESCRIPTION: Understanding how we see our reality and process external stimulus into an internal dialogue which created our own reality, that project into our daily life. Jacqui will be giving the blueprint to switch your limited beliefs into a systems that works for you so you can step into your own power!